Building Credible Leaders
Laying the Foundation for Next Generation Leaders to Build High Performing Teams
'I give Vision as a gift to the Leaders I Coach'
Next Generation Program
21st Century Leader
A Leader's Vision
Credible Leadership
Coaching has an average
ROI of 7 times
the investment
In the dynamic landscape of start-ups, where agility and rapid growth are key, investing in coaching for individuals and teams can be a game-changer giving you a competitive advantage.
Coaching not only accelerates personal and professional development but also fosters a positive and engaging culture, setting the foundation for sustainable success.
Fascinating Coaching Insights on the power and ROI of coaching, with relevant statistics from the UK, USA, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia.
*International Coach Federation (ICF): Research suggests that companies that invest in coaching have an average ROI of 7 times the initial investment.
iPEC: Reported a reliable ROI for executive coaching of 500%-700%
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